Voluntary groups and civil society organisations
The Dutch term ‘Kleine Goede Doelen’ comprises voluntary groups and civil society organisations (ngo’s) in the Netherlands, initiating and implementing a variety of small scale projects in developing countries.
On estimate there are 1200 of these small voluntary run NGO’s in existence in the Netherlands (with an official NGO ‘ANBI’ status issued by the Dutch tax authority), 330 of which are united in the umbrella organisation Partin.
Voluntary groups and other small scale charities in development aid in the Netherlands with no official (tax) status may amount to 10.000 – 12.000.

Informal knowledge sharing at annual Partin meeting
These small NGO’s and voluntary groups or ‘private initiatives’ have in common that they are either fully or for the larger part run by volunteers, resulting in very limited expenditure on overhead costs.
Enthousiastic and innovative people
Some of these voluntary run NGO’s go back 20 years or more, others are relatively new. On the one hand these organisations may be characterized by enthusiasm, drive, and often an innovative approach towards issues encountered in developing countries. On the other hand not all is plain sailing when working amongst the underpriviliged in developing countries with a totally different culture and having to deal with local partners of limited education with hardly or no access to internet besides.
This website is a Partin initiative, to offer the general public insight, by means of story telling, in the work that these driven volunteers do. Under the header of “Wereldverhalen’ the heart warming stories are published on this website about a wide variety of projects and programs – their successes, results, but also about the difficulties these small organisations encountered that may have led to delays and possibly failure.
Many of the volunteer programs are in Africa, South America and Asia, but not all. Website visitors wanting to read the stories about projects that may interest them to the extent of possible support, can select the country and/or target groups and the nature of the project, such as micro-financing, women empowerment, child care, vocational training, entrepreneurship programs, health programs, solar technology and water programs, and sustainable agriculture programs.
+ micro-financing
+ women empowerment
+ child care
+ vocational training
+ entrepreneurship programs
+ health programs
+ solar technology and water programs
+ sustainable agriculture programs